2 578
blog posts
62 photographed species of 64 (96%)


Big Year 2024

The winner will submit the pictures of the largest number of bird species taken on the territory of Kazakhstan during this year.

You can see previous years competitions results here: 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


* number inside brackets means the number of species photographed in 2024
2. A Pavel (6)
11. Yasko Anna (1)

all species photographed in 2024

* in order of appearance (number inside brackets means the date of first record "month-day" )
1. Horsfield’s Tortoise (2024-03-09)
2. Eastern Steppe Viper (2024-03-18)
3. Desert Lidless Skink (2024-03-18)
4. Steppe Ribbon Snake (2024-03-19)
5. Steppe Agama (2024-03-27)
6. European Grass Snake (2024-04-12)
7. Rapid Racerunner (2024-04-26)
8. Racerunner (2024-04-29)
9. Marsh Frog (2024-05-04)
10. Alferaki’Toadhead Agama (2024-05-04)
11. Reticulate Racerunner (2024-05-05)
12. Secret Toadhead Agama (2024-05-05)
13. Caspian Bent-Toed Gecko (2024-05-16)
14. Braid Snake (2024-05-17)
15. Spotted Wipe Snake (2024-05-17)
16. Dzungarian Racerunner (2024-05-18)
17. Sand Lizard (2024-05-31)
18. Dice Snake (2024-06-05)
19. Saissan Toad-headed Agama (2024-06-17)
20. Viviparous Lizard (2024-07-07)
21. Moor Frog (2024-07-10)
22. Green Toad (2024-07-11)

rare species records

Marsh Frog (Pelophylax ridibundus)

© yuriy malkov

First record in Kostanai oblast.

more rarities...

recent video

2024-04-12. Horsfield’s Tortoise (Viktoriya Zvyaginceva).

2020-05-29. Marsh Frog (Georgiy Shakula), Dice Snake (Georgiy Shakula).

2019-11-24. Medial Racerunner (Georgiy Shakula).

2019-04-30. Dione Snake (Andrei Kuryashkin).

2019-03-13. Desert Monitor (Marina Chirikova), Desert Monitor (Marina Chirikova).

2019-01-01. Halys Pit Viper (Andrei Kuryashkin).

more video...

unidentified species


no any comments:


Данияр Тагаев: Спасибо!


Марина Чирикова: Рисунок слабо выражен, но судя по всему, это быстрая ящурка Eremias velox


Марина Чирикова: Eremias intermedia


Гера Айсберг: Спасибо.

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