Desert Sand Boa
Eryx miliaris (Pallas, 1773)
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In case of filtering by the authors the points on the map show only places of photoshoots of the selected author,
in case of seasonal sorting the points on map show only places of series of photos shooted in the selected month,
in case of sorting by date points on map show places of shooting of all series.
2006-09-20 = 2023-09-20
2023-09-20 | Kyzylorda region, Shiyeli district | Mark Pestov | Eryx miliaris
2023-07-05 | | Zhaskairat Nurmukhambetov | Eryx miliaris
2018-06-17 | Baer's Mounds, Bekbeke village | Ilya Smelansky | Eryx miliaris
2018-06-11 | Ustyurt Plateau, Donyztau Cliff, Tamdy inselberg | Ilya Smelansky | Eryx miliaris
2017-06-07 | Kyzylkum desert | Georgiy Shakula | Eryx miliaris
2017-06-07 | Atyrau region, Zhylyoi district, Kulsary, east of 20 km. | Fedor Sarayev | Eryx miliaris
2009-04-21 | Atyrau region, Zhylyoi district | Mark Pestov | Eryx miliaris
2008-04-25 | Atyrau region, Zhylyoi district, Imankara mountain | Fedor Sarayev | Eryx miliaris
2007-08-03 | Mangystau region, Aktau city, recreation area, "Wave" hostel | Fedor Sarayev | Eryx miliaris
2007-06-04 | | Oleg Belyalov | Eryx miliaris
2006-09-20 | Atyrau region, Zhylyoi district, Munayly tract | Fedor Sarayev | Eryx miliaris